Monday, June 27, 2011


Basil, dill, green onions, spinach, leaf lettuce, cabbage, and sweet peas.
Half of one week's crop share.

Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA is where a group of individuals pledge support  to a local farm.  Typically a member or "share holder" in the CSA pays a specified amount of money to cover  farming operations and the farmer's salary.  In return they receive part of the farm's bounty called a crop share during the growing season.  Members also share in the risks of poor harvests due to bad weather or pests.  My mother and I have been part of an organic CSA for a few years now.  We split one share and it is always more than enough.  The fun thing about participating in a CSA is that you don't know from week to week what you will get.  You receive whatever was ready to be harvested.  I enjoy trying to come up with new recipes for the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables we receive each week.  The first share I got this year is pictured above.  It looks like there will be a lot of salads, bruschetta, and some type of slaw at my house this week.

To find a CSA near you visit

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous green
    goodness! I know
    you will come up
    with some inspired
    recipes, Emily!
    xx Suzanne
