Friday, May 20, 2011

Goodbyn Lunchbox

Goodbyn is an American company located in the midwest.  They make fantastic lunchboxes and bynto boxes!  The lunchboxes have 6 compartments to put food in so you don't need to use any plastic bags.  The smaller bynto boxes have 3 compartments.  The containers come with an 8 oz. drink bottle that can be used for a beverage or a salad dressing.  An adorable sticker set is included for optional decorating.  They are BPA free and dishwasher safe.  These are great for school lunches, work lunches and picnics.  Fill them with healthy food and throw them in a cooler for the drive to the cabin and avoid the drive-thru!  Pita chips and hummus, veggies and dip, chips and salsa, salads, leftovers, fresh cut fruit, the options are endless!  Check out their online store
Abby's lunch
PB&J, carrots and dip, pineapple, tortilla chips and water

Fun stickers!

Bynto Box


  1. Emily, what great find. The kids love them and they are so easy to clean.

  2. William loves bento
    boxes but middle school
    boys are horrendous
    teasers, so he hasn't
    used his at school!
    Great suggestion and I
    love how healthy Abby's
    lunch looks : )
    xx Suzanne
